way one thing is for sure — it will be fun.


The fun thing about publishing this is that it will make it possible for something to happen that we had not expected.

We will try to contact people who we think might be interested in our work and hope to have made a platform that will help spread the word of this fantastic music (about to come) to everyone.

We also hope to have made a foundation for taking this further on our own if we prefer to do that.

Maybe this will become an album, maybe one of our songs will be performed by someone else, maybe we will perform as a band with our tape recorder somewhere near you, either

We could write down an address or email here - but that’s no fun.

Try finding it on the homepage!

It’s there,

you just have to find it.

No phone,

no pool,

no pets.

I ain’t got no cigarettes.


What happens next?

4groups R out

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