02022020 uploaded

Finally four tracks are uploaded for the new EP “02022020”. Unfortunately, since time wasn’t on our side, we most probably will miss the thought release date with a few days. Even so, we keep the title as it was meant that way. In order to keep things a bit accurate, we will try to release one of the songs on our YouTube channel February 2, 2020 and then all tracks will be available on all streaming portals just after that. Radio stations will receive the songs in short digitally, we just want to wait until we get the numbers for each track, There will be no physical copies sent out this time around. Those of you that need physical copies will have to wait until we release some more tracks. Yes, there’s more coming but right now; Get ready to Rock! The EP is as close to a live performance with us as you’ll ever get and we hope you’ll feel the edge and bear with us the few mistakes.

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