Beyond Billbored

Finally found some time to write again. Much work is being done finishing the songs written earlier this year, but also writing more new stuff for the album to come. A few close fans have listened to a track or two and the response exactly what we hoped for. “Great but not like your previous releases”.

One Yo is in the main studio up north writing and recording and mixing, whilst the other Yo have had som brain issues and try to recover, mostly polishing tracks, making additional recordings and keeping you posted of what’s happening here and there.

Southern pre-studio has been upgraded with some cymbals for the drum kit and a new guitar. It’s a Paevey T-30 short scale from the early eithies that found it’s way to us. It has been used for some additional tracks on songs for the upcoming album.

The working title for the upcoming album is “Beyond billbored“. We honestly try to listen to the top 100 songs there on a regular basis, but most of the songs are so boring we feel an urge to create something worth spending time listening to. We hope you’ll appreciate our efforts.

We do have an idea of releasesing one or more tracks as singles this fall (maybe in short) to give us some more time to work on the big project an album is. Nothing decided yet, but it seems we might have to push the album release until next year and hence a few tracks as singles on beforehand might be a good thing. We’ll see how things play out and keep doing fun things – and funny things too.

Some singles from the earl years will be taken down this fall, but the tracks will conitnue to be available on the latest album “Col. Salts’s Singles Club”. Make sure to save the new links in case bots won’t locate the new issue after the original single has been removed.

Finally we want to tell you that our Instagram has become more spontaneous and we now publish pictures there occasionally and not every other day. There will still be posts every day on Facebook.

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